DakhaBrakha (UA)

Ukrainalainen DakhaBrakha esiintyy Korjaamolla Helsingissä marraskuussa 2024

Ti 26.11.2024 Vaunusali
Ovet/Doors: 19:00
Keikka/Showtime: 20:00
Liput ennakkoon 52,5 € / ovelta 59 €

Vuonna 2024 ukrainalainen maailmanmusiikkikvartetti DakhaBrakha juhlii 20-vuotista uraansa. Kiovalaisessa Dakh-teatterissa 2004 perustetusta yhtyeestä on tullut uuden, vapaan, rohkean ja itsenäisen Ukrainan muodostumisen symboli.

Yhtye juhlistaa 20-vuotista uraansa laajalla Euroopan kiertueella. Yli 20 kaupunkia pääsee kuulemaan Ukrainan kuuluisinta bändiä, josta on nykyisessä tilanteessa tullut puolestapuhuja maalle, joka vastustaa sankarillisesti Venäjän hyökkäystä.

“Olemme tunteneet erityistä vastuuta täysimittaisen hyökkäyksen alusta lähtien. Vaikuttaa siltä, että puhumme koko maamme puolesta muulle maailmalle: me kiitämme teidän tuestanne, me pyydämme aseita, me jaamme tuskaamme. Samalla voimme näyttää teille pienen osan maamme rikkaasta kulttuurista ja pyrimme olemassaolollamme kumoamaan Venäjän propagandan “yhdestä kansasta”,” sanoo yhtyeen jäsen Marko Halanevych.

DakhaBrakha yhtye: Marko Halanevych, Iryna Kovalenko, Olena Tsybulska, Nina Garenetska.

In 2024, the Ukrainian world-music quartet “DakhaBrakha” is celebrating its 20th anniversary. Founded in the Kyiv theater “Dakh” in 2004, the band became a symbol of the formation of a new Ukraine – free, bold, independent. The band is celebrating its 20th anniversary with a major tour! Over 20 cities in Europe will hear the powerful voice of the most famous Ukrainian band in the world, which today is an ambassador for a country that is heroically resisting Russian aggression.

“Since the start of the full-scale invasion, we feel a special responsibility. We seem to be speaking to the world on behalf of the whole country: we thank you for your support, we ask for weapons, we share our pain. At the same time, we show a small part of our rich culture and by our existence we seek to refute Russian propaganda about the “one nation”,” says band member Marko Halanevych.

“DakhaBrakha” was born of theatrical energies, so their concerts are a powerful performance that combines the spectacle and holistic dramaturgy of theater, the uniqueness of folk song and genre musical diversity, from hip-hop to blues. The program for the 20th anniversary includes the hits of “DakhaBrakha” from six albums, as well as new tracks written during the full-scale war.

The artists define the band’s style as “ethnochaos”, which emphasizes the combination of different ethnic components in music. The band uses Ukrainian, Crimean tatar and other folk songs that were recorded by “DakhaBrakha” and other folklorists during expeditions.

Among the well-known hits for the European audience are the rhythmic and driving composition “Sho z-pod duba”; the artistic mystery “Vesna”; “Ptah” – the spiritual anthem of the new Ukraine on the verses of the contemporary Ukrainian poet Serhiy Zhadan; the grandiose, melodic “Baby”, which in the performance of “DakhaBrakha” pours out a sensual cry of unrequited love. One of the important moments of the European tour will be the performance of the composition “Plyve Choven”, which has become a kind of dedication to the defenders of Ukraine.

After the start of the full-scale invasion, the band significantly changed its concert program, as it was important for the musicians to make it more informative and evoke a sense of empathy in people around the world. DakhaBrakha concerts are accompanied by a videoart which contains works by Ukrainian artists and war photographers.

“DakhaBrakha” band: Marko Halanevych, Iryna Kovalenko, Olena Tsybulska, Nina Garenetska

Official tickets at: tiketti.fi | dakhabrakhatour.com
Official merch from a band: dakhabrakha.store


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